On 12/06/2007 04:22 AM, AJ MacLeod wrote:

> One point which keeps cropping up is "size".  

We may be able to have this cake and eat it to;  see below.

> While I fully agree that it's 
> important to keep the base package to a reasonable size so that people aren't 
> put off downloading FG, I also think that there's perhaps even a "danger" in 
> not showing off FG quite enough.  Without wanting to get into tiresome "my 
> sim's better than yours" comparisons, and definitely not wishing to follow 
> suit like sheep, it's certainly valid to consider the download size of the 
> FS-X and X-Plane demos...
> Perhaps we just need lots of very nice screenshots in our release publicity 
> to 
> encourage people to explore the aircraft for download instead though ;-)

It might help to have some sort of download-on-demand feature.

In particular, fgfs --show-aircraft would show *all* known aircraft,
with perhaps some indication of whether they had already been 
downloaded or not.  The first use of a not-yet-downloaded aircraft
would cause it to be automagically downloaded, assuming a network
connection is available.

Then the "base package" can be quite small, containing just the
name, thumbnail, and short description for each aircraft, plus
the full model for a verrry small number of aircraft.

If you want to go the whole nine yards, you could a tool analogous
to Debian "deselect" which shows the menu of what is available
and what is selected, and allows downloading of new things and/or
purging of old things.

This is a pretty serious user-interface issue, because it is
completely unreasonable to expect users to download new aircraft
when they don't know what's available.  Showing them a menu of
what's available makes a huge difference.

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