If you want to make the simulation more "realistic" turning up the turbulence is not the best way to do it. At the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, the simulations were operated at 1.4 times real-time to give the pilot a task that resembled the real thing.

This technique was developed during the X-15 days but was never documented.


gerard robin wrote:
On ven 7 décembre 2007, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
* Laurence Vanek -- Friday 07 December 2007:
Although I like realistic flight my ILS approaches we very unstable with
the turb values given in the Preferences.xml file [...]
But, but ... some have just told us that we shouldn't make it too
easy, or fgfs will be perceived as a toy. So I'd rather turn the
values *up*.

m.  :-P

ooohhh     :)  probably a bad boy.

AND you understood i was talking about Aircraft.

Yes it may be zero turbulence, yes we can use Metar

BY that FG will not be a toy.


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