Torsten Dreyer -- Tuesday 03 June 2008:

> > Maybe a litte checkbox named "Case sensitive search" might give the user
> the
> > freedom of choice? This adds one option without dropping the other.

 On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> Widgets are associated with one single property, and they read
> from it after getting a "dialog-update" and write to it after
> getting a "dialog-apply". The former is used for sending the
> search expression to the widget, the latter for returning the
> selected entry.
> So to add a widget config option, one would have to encode that
> in the search expression, for example by (optionally) setting a
> non-ASCII character at the first position via some embedded Nasal.
> But that's a bit ugly, and I'm not sure if it's worth it.
> Case-insensitive ought to be enough for anybody.  :-)

I may be completely misunderstanding this whole thread, but could we add
another widget to the search dialog window that is tied to a boolean
property.  Then the search function could check the state of this value when
it searches to control the case sensitivity behavior.


Curtis Olson:
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