On 8 Dec 2008, at 21:28, Frederic Bouvier wrote:

If you want to remove
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
from dlgps.h, you'll have to add it in the files that really need it. As far as I can see, many kln89_page_* needs
the definition of the FGNavRecord class.

Exactly correct - and that's what I did this morning. So, I am very confused, apologies for the broken patches. This is me doing a diff against an otherwise clean CVS checkout, so I am really very confused.




Found the problem. This command does what I expect:

        cvs diff Instrumentation/dclgps.* Instrumentation/KLN89

Whereas (apparently!) this does not:

        cvs diff Instrumentation/dclgps.* Instrumentation/KLN89/

(note the trailing slash).

Here's a patch that includes the KLN89 fixes.

Attachment: dclgps3.patch
Description: Binary data

Another lesson learned, at least.

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