* Harry Campigli -- Tuesday 10 February 2009:
> These days it seems you need to buy a commercial version
> for the full house.

I can't confirm that. Maybe you mix up Novell/SuSE and OpenSuSE?

> With 10.1 I did a bit of mucking about and got FG built ok,
> Same with 10.3. 

I've always had to download additional libs to compile everything
that I wanted to compile. Sometimes the libs were on the CD,
but not the devel packages. Annoying, but manageable.

> But now I seem to download lots if things, They have dropped
> a lot of apps off the DVD including FG,

They started to offer fg shortly after I had suggested that in
their feedback section (may have been a coincidence), and stopped
doing that after they found GPL-incompatible/unfree code in fg
(some moon stuff). I'm not sure if that was ever resolved. Or
if anyone ever told them. And nowadays it might be just a problem
with free CD/DVD space. Yes, it would be nice if they offered
fg. But then again, you are talking about building fgfs, so
I don't see how this could possibly be a problem.

> My net connection here in Bali is pretty slow (and expensive),
> infact terminal compared to what I have experienced in Eu. 
> So searching and downloading additional files is a drag.

Then you'll be happy about downloading ~1.9GB of fg data.  ;-)
(You can avoid downloading all the aircraft, and do that later,
piece by piece.)

> I can appreciate the legalities, but needing to download codecs
> just to get video and audio playing on 10.3 is a bit much.

Umm, and Debian contains all the codecs with patent/license
problems? I would be *very* suprised if they did. I mean *VERY*.

> even festival is installed

Just like in OpenSuSE?

I don't want to make OpenSuSE advertisement, but I do also not
want that misinformation is spread here. The only complaint that
I would understand is Novell's MS-ties, but this doesn't directly
concern OpenSuSE.


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