Stuart Buchanan wrote

> syd adams wrote:
> >That might be best . I know very little about what information a real
> scope displays , and intercepting a radial is the pilots job , so I dont
> know if
> >I can bring myself to add that line ;).
> I was at a fly-in to an RAF base last week, which included a tour of their
> tower. Interestingly, they still do radar-guidance (I forget the official
> term) where the controller provides instructions to the pilot to bring
> them to the center-line and appropriate glideslope to the runway - "Left
> two degrees, slightly high...", and the guides them all the way down to
> decision height.
> For this they had two radar displays, one showing the horizontal track and
> one showing the vertical, with an external center-line and glideslope
> marked on the display.
> I got the chance to try this out on their Tornado simulator, and it worked
> pretty well. I even got a nice print-out of my track afterwards :)

Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) or CCA on a carrier.


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