Syd, Csaba, et al...

This is by no means complete, or really even close... and I'm not done trying, 
but I'm just taking a little break from working on it.   I just wanted to show 
you progress and get your input, in case there are any major problems with it 
so far (particularly in the Nasal).

By the way, I know that the bigger radar screen obstructs most of the window, 
but I consider it an improvement, at least as a matter of personal preference.  
Your mileage may vary.

When the sim boots up and initializes, the radar scope view will be set to a 
range of 1.  Before zooming out, use CTRL-J and K to rotate the localizer guide 
paralell with the intended arrival runway, then use CTRL-G and H to move it 
left and right until aligned with it.  Now you can zoom out to your preferred 
view distance and the localizer guide will self-adjust to remain on the 
centerline as you defined it.  Also, please note that all heading references 
(on the screen and also in the data panel) are given in MAGNETIC.

(1) The localizer guideline extends past the edge of the radar screen.
(2) The current transformation for the radar screen actually rotates the screen 
itself, rather than just the indicators on it.  I presume I have to connect the 
magnetic variation to the user's orientation in order to correct this.  I think 
I can work that out myself, following what was done in ATC2.
(3) The wind heading only updates when a target's info is updated, since I 
could not figure out where else in the Nasal script to put this operation.  I 
tried to attach that script to a listener which would trigger when 
/environment/wind-from-heading-deg changes, but I didn't do it right, I guess.  
So I just threw it in the Target Update script for now.  (Yes, I know that's 
not a great place for it!)

(1) Panel hotspots to toggle and maneuver the localizer guide.  Right now that 
can only be done with the CTRL-keys indicated above.  I can add those, no 
(2) Commands activated by either (well, really, both) CTRL-key and panel 
hotspots which prepare canned directives to the target plane.  I want to do 
this in such a way that the piece to be added (i.e. which heading, which 
altitude, which runway) is always at the end of the message.  I can manage this 
part, I think, based on what's already there.
(3) Prettier panel and buttons.  Shading for 3D effect, etcetera.  I can do 
that on my own as well, but I just wanted to have something quick-and-dirty to 
test with for now.

Here it is... look at it... play with it... tell me what a hack I am... improve 
it... give it back to me.  :)  LOL

-R. (MD-Terp)
 Robert M. Shearman, Jr.
Transit Operations Supervisor,
University of Maryland Department of Transportation
also known as

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Rob Shearman, Jr." <>
To: FlightGear Developers <>
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:12:27 AM
Subject: Fw: [Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer ATC "aircraft, " feature  request...

Syd et al --

> "I'll also see what I can come up with by way of my own solutions."

I actually have hacked together an ATC version that (in my own opinion, of 
course) takes the best features of V1 and V2 and combines them, but also with a 
bigger radar screen, and the makings of a localizer guideline.  I'm not the 
coder you guys are (yet... someday!) so I'm stumbling through a lot of the 
Nasal, but it's coming together better than I thought.  It stores both a 
heading (rotation transformation) and an offset (x-shift transformation).  
While I haven't yet implemented the hotspots and CTRL-keys to change the 
settings, I have it working well enough now that if I align it with a runway, 
the x-shift scales with the radar scope scale setting, so it remains aligned no 
matter what the zoom level is.  One problem I'm having right now is that it 
likes to extend past the edge of the radar screen.

I also stole the "Tower Adjust" and "message to target" scripts -- One of my 
next projects is, as you (Syd) mentioned before, rotating everything into 
magnetic heading, to avoid confusion.  I'm also thinking I'm going to add a 
panel of  "pre-canned" messages as well, so within two or three keystrokes one 
can say, for example, "MD-Terp, descend and maintain" and just type the 
altitude on the end.

I may come running to you guys to see if it's possible to select an aircraft by 
clicking on it on the radar scope.  Let me polish off what I have so far and 
then I'll post some screenshots and see if you guys want to help me "clean it 
up" some.

-R. (MD-Terp)

 Robert M. Shearman, Jr.
Transit Operations Supervisor,
University of Maryland Department of Transportation
also known as

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Rob Shearman, Jr." <>
To: FlightGear developers discussions <>
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 4:00:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer ATC "aircraft, " feature  request...

I think you're referring to a "ground-controlled approach" or GCA.  However, 
this is not what I'm referring to -- I'm simply talking about approach 
controllers vectoring their planes from the end of their STARS procedure toward 
the localizer of the active arrival runway.  Yes, intercepting it *is* the 
pilot's job, but the approach controller needs to get them in the vicinity of 
it, fare enough out, and with not too sharp a turn, and I'm pretty certain that 
the extended centerlines are indicated on their screens.  Since I can't say 
this with any definitiveness, though, I understand Syd's reluctance to make 
changes.  I'll see if I can come up with any RL references.  And, as I said, 
I'll also see what I can come up with by way of my own solutions.  I guess I'm 
just not patient enough for that sometimes. :)  Cheers, -R. (MD-Terp)

 Robert M. Shearman, Jr.
Transit Operations Supervisor,
University of Maryland Department of Transportation
also known as

From: Stuart Buchanan <>
To: FlightGear developers discussions <>
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 3:28:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer ATC "aircraft, " feature  request...

syd adams wrote:
>That might be best . I know very little about what information a real scope 
>displays , and intercepting a radial is the pilots job , so I dont know if 
>I can bring myself to add that line ;).

I was at a fly-in to an RAF base last week, which included a tour of their 
tower. Interestingly, they still do radar-guidance (I forget the official term) 
where the controller provides instructions to the pilot to bring them to the 
center-line and appropriate glideslope to the runway - "Left two degrees, 
slightly high...", and the guides them all the way down to decision height.

For this they had two radar displays, one showing the horizontal track and one 
showing the vertical, with an external center-line and glideslope marked on the 

I got the chance to try this out on their Tornado simulator, and it worked 
pretty well. I even got a nice print-out of my track afterwards :)



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