I fixed the issue of the rotation of the radar screen (I transform now only the 
groundnet, but for the MP user radar returns, I set 
/instrumentation/radar/display-controls/rotate to true, and set the local 
user's orientation to the magnetic variation.  Works like a charm!).

I also shortened the LOC guideline texture so it only reaches the outer ring -- 
however, if the user offsets it to the max AND rotates it to a westerly 
heading, it can still extend slightly off the radar screen onto the data panel 
or exterior "window" area.  If there is a more elegant solution to that 
(admittedly minor) issue, I welcome it.

I still need some guidance on the problem of the wind-from heading.  I am 
pulling /environment/wind-from-heading-deg and factoring in 
/environment/magnetic-variation-deg (and I remembered to account for wrapping 
around the 360-degree mark), and writing that back to a property I am calling 
/sim/atc/wind-from-display, which is the one used in the instrumentation xml 
file which puts it on the screen.  No problem.  The issue here is WHERE in the 
Nasal script (atc.nas) do I do this so that I can be sure that the displayed, 
magnetic wind heading is updated along with the raw 
/environment/wind-from-heading-deg?  I mean, I could have it update once per 
frame, but that's a little silly, and besides I'm not sure how Nasal works in 
that I'm not sure where I'd put it even if that was what I wanted to happen.  I 
see a bunch of initial parameters and then a bunch of function declarations but 
I don't see where this update would go or where it'd be called from.  Should
 it go in a separate Nasal file?  A little guidance on that would be great.

-R. (MD-Terp)

 Robert M. Shearman, Jr.
Transit Operations Supervisor,
University of Maryland Department of Transportation
also known as rm...@umd.edu

From: syd adams <adams....@gmail.com>
To: FlightGear developers discussions <flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:17:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer ATC "aircraft, " feature  request...

It's looking good so far ...
I haven't tested it yet myself , but if the guidelines are a separate texture , 
you can have them clipped my making the "instrument" the same dimensions as the 
radar screen ...

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