On 2 Sep 2009, at 19:55, Victhor Foster wrote:

> Is this good? It seems to be :) I had problems with GPSes before, as
> the CDI would just reset to zero and even if the CDI course is the
> same as the GPS bearing, the A/P won't follow the course, instead
> following the heading bug. Which is strange, because if NAV1 isn't
> set to be slaved to GPS, the A/P follows the VOR course normally.

GPS integration at the moment is confused - some aircraft (especially  
those done by Syd), the GPS works, sometimes with some Nasal scripts  
to provide / work-around features the C++ code lacks.

I've got a re-write of the GPS code locally, which needs testing, and  
works in *one* aircraft (with some minor modifications to that  
aircraft's data files) - the problem is making it work in enough  
aircraft that people don't complain. Autopilot integration is part of  
that, although mostly the NAV autopilot modes slave to the CDI course,  
which the GPS can drive  (when the NAV/GPS switch is set to 'GPS',  


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