On 22/09/09 11:18, Thomas Betka wrote:
> With all the talk about FG audio here recently, it reminded me that I  
> haven't yet gotten around to something I've wanted to do for some  
> time--record some new audio files.
On this subject, some time ago I played with ripping sound from youtube 
videos  (in an attempt to get better sounds, including a "blue note" for 
the hunter).

While I didn't finish the project (I got the blue note and lost 
interest, pretty common for me), I actually found that it was 
surprisingly possible to get good results simply with ripping from the 
fairly low quality sounds you get in youtube videos and cutting out a 
good loop-able region (I think what I did from memory was take a clip, 
cut it in half then swap the halves and cross faded the new join in the 

The main thing, for engine sounds, is to get a good loop, the actual 
sound quality isn't so important because aircraft are pretty noisy anyway.

Of course if anybody was to do this for inclusion to flightgear data, 
they'd need to get permission to use the clip under GPL etc...

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