On 12/14/2009 02:30 PM, Stuart Buchanan wrote in part:

> Q: Is is legal to sell a copy of FlightGear, whether re-branded or not ?
> A:
> Yes. Technically, the purchaser is paying for the distribution of the

Since we are not lawyers here, I would shy away from answering
bluntly "yes" to a legal question.

How about something like:

Q: Is is legal to sell a copy of FlightGear, whether re-branded or not ?
A: Under some conditions, yes.  There are legal ways of distributing the
 program, and also illegal ways. This FAQ expresses no opinions about the
 legality of any particular distribution scheme.  Generally speaking, the
 license allows a  distributor to charge "any price or no price" but requires 
 the distributor to comply with a number of restrictions, including making 
 the source code available and giving you a license to make further copies.
 For details, refer to

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