On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:10 AM, James Turner wrote:

> What do you think would be a sensible course of action, in the situation
> you describe? Even if I choose not to add the departure airport for in-air
> route activation, there's no guarantee that the first route waypoint is
> where you actually want to be going.

With the old route manager, the first way point is where I want to go for my
first destination, because I just put it in there with that specific goal in
mind.  The 2nd waypoint is also where I want my second destination to be,
again, because I just put it there.  Same for all the other way points.
 Another nice feature we used to have in the original route manager was the
ability to insert and delete waypoints from the middle of the route, allow
us to update and change the route in mid-flight if we changed or mind (or
something like weather changed it for us.)

What I liked about the old route manager is I could decide I want to fly to
A then B then C then D, I added those waypoints and off I go.

I feel like I have to fight the new system to get it to do something like
that, and then every time I open up the dialog box, I'm never sure if it's
going to change the route on me or add the original airport back in again
(even if it might already be there.)  I haven't tried using the route
manager in a few weeks now, so perhaps some of these things were bugs that
are now resolved.

I think there was a simplicity and a determinism in the original system (as
unrealistic as that was) and I struggle with the new system trying to
understand how to get it to work and not make unexpected changes or
additions to the route.

> That's really an orthogonal issue - I only use the airport location if you
> neglect to specify a runway.

Ok, for the original route manager when you specified an airport as a
waypoint, you got this computed center point (average or runway center

> For using these features as a flight planning tool, the first waypoint is
> my departure runway, which sequences when you cross the threshold / midpoint
> (not perfectly, I have a known bug to fix in that area). Adding the
> *destination* airport as a waypt seems useful, even if no runway is
> selected, because it yields a useful trip distance estimate (and hence,
> ETA), and I assume people can thus navigate to the vicinity of their
> destination, and conduct whatever kind of approach they like.

Right ... I've always flown with the mindset of the route manager getting me
to the airport and then at some point I'll break off the route and setup the
approach to my own chosen runway and land manually.

> A few things that will certainly help:
>  - not adding the departure airport if no runway is selected
>  - not adding the departure airport for an in-air route activation
> I'll do these today (hopefully) - I already fixed the GPS -> autopilot
> drive, and have been doing some reading and testing with the generic
> autopilot XML, dialog and code. There's quite a few things behaving
> strangely (especially in the Alphajet), and I don't think most of them are
> my fault - famous last words! - but I'm getting to grips with it.
> Will post back here once I have some more definite conclusions, especially
> regarding why heading hold is being so strange.
> Incidentally, the PID parameters in the generic autopilot are pretty bad
> for the alphajet (and many other aircraft, I guess). It'd be lovely if there
> was a way to tune the response rates for a particular aircraft, but still
> inherit the basic controller structure (i.e the control laws) from the
> generic definition. I don't suppose the Autopilot XML loading code could
> cope with that?

The alphajet has it's own autopilot configuration.  I wouldn't characterize
it as "generic" since it is specific for this aircraft.  Perhaps some of the
gains could be tweaked, but it behaves pretty well for me.  One thing to
note is that many YASim jet aircraft can be over speeded at lower altitudes
and if you do that, you can get really weird negative stall type effects ...
especially if you have flaps deployed.  This has always been a gripe of mine
with the YAsim flight dynamics engine.

Generic autopilots are difficult.  Different aircraft have wildly different
systems and capabilities.  Different types of sensors, actuators, etc.  A
generic autopilot would be about as realistic as our original route manager.
:-)  And then stuffing in about 50-60 tunable parameters into a generic
structure also sounds pretty messy.  I've always preferred the autopilot to
be defined on a per-aircraft basis, and if the aircraft author wants to copy
a config file from another similar aircraft as a starting point, that's


Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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