On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Brant Gipson <ioncannon21...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Contact the domain owner to get a subdomain like mpserver12.flightgear.org

Posting here usually qualifies as "contacting the domain owner" :D

By the way, I think something should be done about 02. It is way too
overused and seems to have some intermittent relaying problems (even
though it is supposed to have IP filtering now). I don't know if the
problems are caused by the overload or not, though. What do you think
about renaming it to 12? I suggest leaving its slot unused for some
time (so that people would realize it is down), and adding the new
server (which seems to have plenty of bandwidth) in 03's slot (which
has been down for a long time). Eventually some other server could
become 02. Reason: I think a lot of people ignore the location of the
servers and instead just start from 01 until they find a working one
and then just stick to it. So when 01 is down, I expect people to
switch to 02 and they stay there even after 01 is back. The situation
is made worse by the relay problem - people switch to 02 to see other
pilots reliably. Not to mention the rumor that some mac version
defaults to 02.

My suggestion applies only as long as we don't have a better solution
to the MP server choice problem, of course.


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