Hi Tat,

First of all, thanks for putting the OS X release together - great work.

I have just been trying 2.0.0 pre 3, and have a few comments.  
Overall, just about everything works, and it is very stable. I am  
using OS X 10.4 on MacBook (Intel GMA 950 graphics chip set). I flew  
from KSFO, and went around SF Bay, flying the Seneca II.

1. Shaders: not working. The land mass and water reflection shaders  
showed strange textures. The fancy new clouds were partly right. They  
look good, but they are all the same shape, and are 2d. (I can post  
images if needed)

2. Atlas: did not run when selected in the launcher. (No problems  
here with 1.9.1)

3. Frame rates are about the same or a bit lower, but much lower when  
flying over KSFO. I think that might be the extra models in the  
scenery (there are a lot more electricity towers than in 1.9.1).

4. Cessna 172: this did not work on my machine in 1.9.1 (a crash  
somewhere in OSG), but does run in 2.0.0, although the frame rate is  
very low when looking from outside the plane. Something in the  
aircraft model perhaps?

5. Chase view: The chase view view point does not follow the  
airplane. The airplane stays in view, but the view point does not  
stay behind the aircraft, maintaining a constant direction of view  
(relative to ground rather than aircraft).

Hope this is useful feedback.


On 03/02/2010, at 11:53 AM, Tatsuhiro Nishioka wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've released the pre3 package of FlightGear Mac OS X at the  
> macflightgear site.
> http://macflightgear.sourceforge.net
> Please check it out very quickly so I can have improve the quality  
> of 2.0.0.
> Best,
> Tat
> p.s.
> Many mac users who gave me emails in the past week:
> Sorry for my very late reply.
> I'll be replying one by one tonight.
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