On 02/20/2010 07:01 AM, I wrote:

>  -- Replaying /engines/engine[0]/rpm has no effect ... even though
>   setting the same property via the property browser has the
>   expected effect: causing the engine to spin at the specified
>   rate.
> It's one thing to say more properties need to be set ... but
> when the properties are being set and the instruments still
> don't work, I have no idea how to get them to work.
> If the FDM should do more ... what more should it do?

Progress report:  I found out one important thing that the FDM
(or the playback mechanism) should be doing:  calling listeners!

In particular, I attached a listener to /engines/engine[0]/rpm.
 *) Setting this property via the property browser causes the
  listener to be called, and everything is hunky-dory.
 *) During ordinary non-playback JSBSim operation, the listener
  apparently gets called after every FDM iteration, as it should.
 *) During playback, the listener does not get called by the

This needs to get fixed.

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