On 16 Mar 2010, at 08:43, Frederic Bouvier wrote:

> Durk use exceptions to return errors. FP means Flight Plan, not Floating 
> Point. That's "normal" program execution, but it's really annoying when you 
> want to debug because all these exceptions are a performance killer for the 
> debugger, and it is not possible to hide the "First chance exception" 
> message. There definitively a room for improvement here. A return code is the 
> first thing that comes to mind.
> Or disable AI and Flight plans when you want to debug. That's not very useful 
> tip when you want to debug AI itself.

I've changed this code to stop using exceptions-as-return values - I believe 
the fix should be in 2.0.0, but I'm not 100% positive about that.


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