Hi All,

I need some help...

This is a little off topic, but related to the Atlas/Map
utility, that uses FG output... I get color and shape
anomolies when rendering the maps, in windows... see -
but _NOT_ in Ubuntu - see http://geoffair.org/tmp/10/

I am of course also persuing this question on the Atlas

And it seems FG avoids this by using OSG... but I do
remember, a long time back, pre-OSG, some discussion on
using some of the GL extensions... *ARB IIRC...

But do any native windows developers here know how to get
access to say glGenRenderbuffersEXT, glBindFramebufferEXT,
and some other GL extended functions, currently used in the
Atlas Map utility... exposed by the <GL/glext.h> header...

Neither my native windows systems, Vista and XP WIN32, nor
Andreas's Win7 64-bit, have this <GL/glext.h> header, in
either the MSVC includes, nor the windows SDK, at least up
to v6.1, but they ALL have <Gl/gl.h>, and OpenGL32.DLL...

I have found the header in the OpenGL archive - see -
but then which DLL exposes the functions, or their
equivalents? Loading, using, documentation?

It is also in the Mesa lib (see http://www.mesa3d.org/),
in GLEW library (see http://glew.sourceforge.net/),
and in some ATI example code - Framebuffer_objectOGL.zip - see -
and am continuing to experiment with these, but so
far _NONE_ have provided a reasonable native windows

ANY help, information, pointers, questions WELCOME ;=))



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