On 21/06/10 11:54, thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi wrote:
> Since I'm quite new on the list, I have pondered a few days if this is
> meant to be a joke.
No joke at all, Thorsten :-)
I am not a coder and have to rely on others to advise me what effort is 
needed to accomplish a coding task. Which I know conflicts with much of 
what I have to say below........

>> Ohhh look.
>> A chunk of work required that is not screamingly time-sensitive, could
>> be tightly defined and has potential mentors.
>> I smell a potential project for Google Summer of Code next year........
>> Immediate questions:
>> 1) Can the work wait another ~14 months until hopeful eventual delivery?
>> 2) Would James and/or Thorsten assist as part of a  mentoring team?
> In case it is not: It seems to me the task is not downright horrible, but
> rather has to do with inserting if-statements linked to properties in the
> right place in the code. If I were asked to do this in my Nasal code, it
> would be a matter of 30 minutes or so to modify and test. Probably not
> worth forming a mentoring team to let someone else do that.
Cool. that's what I need to know. I don't want to waste time with areas 
of work that are

1) trivial
2) need to be delivered soon
3) is someone's pet project and to usurp it for GSoC would be seriously 
impolite and unwelcome

> It also seems to me that 14 months is a long time for the Flightgear
> development pace. More specifically, I don't know yet if I want to be a
> long-term contributor or if I want to develop and deliver a working
> weather system and then do something completely different - that has a lot
> to do with what time to code my private life provides, and I'm not too
> hopeful that it increases. So there's a real chance I won't be doing that
> work in 14 months from now.
> So, no, it doesn't seem like a good idea to me to wait14 months.
OK that's fine.

My problem for GSoC is to try to find projects and students who will 
carry out paid work during Summer 2011. We were too late to get anything 
organised for this year. It is quite possible that it is too early to 
set aside work for next year. However it would be stupid of me not to 
keep looking for such work and if nothing else to keep reminding folks 
that this is a  resource we hope to tap next year and to use it 
effectively, we need to be properly prepared.

A couple of related points......

The recent shift to Git, whether planned or serendipitous, has made our 
participation in GSoC a potential reality. Without Git, I don't think we 
would have been taken seriously at all.

I think FG needs to have a "road-map" so that we can decide where we are 
going next with the project.If such a road-map was available then of 
course we'd choose stuff that had been agreed for long-term work as 
potential GS0C targets.
If such a road-map already exists, can someone point me at it, please?
If it doesn't and if the proposed FG Euro Devs conference at Lelystad in 
November takes place, I'd like to see the "road-map" as a major agenda item.

Best Regards
Willie Fleming

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