On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 16:57:11 +0200, Arnt wrote in message 

> On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 13:47:38 +0200, ThorstenB wrote in message 
> <aanlktimo3_5jeaskpon6xq749v+wk=skstrqoebfb...@mail.gmail.com>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > maybe I can raise some more attention to a specific bug, which keeps
> > me from using FG properly. I have also heard a number of other
> > people complaining. If I could vote, I'd like to vote for this
> > issue to be the currently most annoying FlightGear bug:
> ..I take the black box approach along the lines: _Is_ it a bug, 
> or a feature of aircrew management etc traffic simulation, or a 
> feature of the developing simulator, as in somebody is working 
> on the destination scenery tiles during these long flights.
> > Scenery tiles keep disappearing (when flying a longer distances),
> > http://code.google.com/p/flightgear-bugs/issues/detail?id=122
> > 
> > It's very disappointing when you approach your destination airport,
> > have the runway in sight, and then when you get too close, *whoosh*
> > it just disappears into a patch of blue sky. 
> ..can happen in RL too, this is when you swear a wee bit, pick up 
> your flight plan and pick our best alternate destination from it 
> just like the RL guys does. 
> > You can still try to land in the void - but it's certainly not much
> > fun.
> ..depends, some of us likes to play these silly naughty rule torturous
> Counter Strike wild ass Doom kinda crazy games that in RL will earn
> you nice clean white cozy long sleeve shirt like it did Mathias
> Rust. ;o)
> > You can keep flying - and then the scenery tiles sometimes reappear
> > in the distance...
> ..maybe reload rebuilt-during-long-flights scenery tiles before 
> we approach them?  Takes a We-Have-The-Latest-Tile? check.
> > To me this happens *very* often, feels like > 50% of all longer
> > distance flights. I'm not sure about the minimum distance it takes
> > to trigger, maybe about more than 60miles from the original
> > airport. So this keeps me from flying longer navigation routes. I
> > can stay within a limited area around my departure airport to avoid
> > this. But circling in one area gets boring soon...
> > It applies to all platforms: tracker issue was raised for mac, I see
> > it on Linux, and during the Frankfurt ATC sessions I've heard
> > several people complaining with Windows systems. The tracker
> > mentions FG 1.9.1 and 2.0.0 - and I also see it with the latest
> > GIT. Maybe not everyone sees this issues - or not with the same
> > high probability.
> .._which_ EDDC scenery tile?????  There are several, AFAIUI.

..I of course meant EDDE. ;o)

> > I'm willing to help with testing and also debugging. But I don't
> > know much about the FG scenery and graphics system - and don't want
> > to start from scratch on my own.
> > 
> > So, please, any help on this bug, any hints on what I could check,
> > which FlightGear modules could be related, any ideas on how to
> > locate this issue are welcome.
> ..first, play with your FG command line to reliably, 
> reproduce the bug you see, and then post it here.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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