----- Original message -----
> > Looks like initialization order problem. I guess the static strings
> > themselves have not been constructed yet when the array tries to copy
> > them. You could check that from a debugger. The compiler should have
> > generated proper order, assuming there are no circular dependencies.
> > For me, on linux, the initializers run in the expected order:
> Excellent - that's it. SGCloudLayer::SG_FOO_BAR_STRING is not yet
> initialized. Interestingly this is on MacOS only (gcc 4.2.1) while Linux
> (gcc.4.4.1) runs   fine.
> I'll think about a workaround - Many thanks for the hint, it saved me
> some   hours of debugging!

    Funny enough, I have had the exact same problem (initialization order) when 
I was cross compiling for arm, gcc 4.2.x as well, though the crash is elsewhere.

    Have you found a workaround yet? I also notice there is a gcc extension 
(attribute) to specify initialization priority/order, but I have't tried myself 


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