On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Jon S. Berndt <jonsber...@comcast.net> wrote:
> "Staying beneath the radar" might be effective but do you feel good about it? 
> Is it the ethical thing to do? Unethical? Hoping that ignorance is bliss? 
> Trying to ignore a perceived problem and wishing it would go away because it 
> is too hard to do things the "right" way?
> OTOH even if a company feels that a violation is taking place they would 
> surely make a friendly request first.
> Jon

I don't want to be misunderstood: I applaud Heiko's sentiment. But in
this case, yes, I would feel good about it, and yes, I believe it's a
reasonably ethical position for a loose collection of people who make
non-commercial virtual aircraft and who are totally willing to comply
with legal requests.


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