Here is a suggestion:

The "local weather" menu option is first before the other local weather
options.  This does open up a dialog box where you do have to create clouds
1-by-1.  Looking at this, it appears that the intent of this is more for
debugging.  Maybe it would make sense to move this option over to the
debugging menu if that is the case?  This being the first local weather
option ... it threw me for a long time ... I wasn't about to sit around and
create individual clouds ...

That leaves two other local weather menu options that I believe are the ones
that most people would use regularly?  I need to go read the documentation
at some point ... probably even should have done that before making comments
on the mailing list. :-)

The main thing that bugs me with the system is that the view frustum culling
around the edges of the screen is visible, so you continuously see the
clouds being created and disappearing at the edges of the screen as you turn
or change views.  If it was once in a while I could live with it, but it's
continuous and perpetual and distracts from the overall experience. :-(

But I do think the system shows a lot of promise and is really interesting.
 Clouds are hard, some of the "global weather" cloud layers look aweful, and
I think it's critically important that we have people working to make cloud
rendering better.  So I'm *very* glad to see Thorsten continually improving
his system.

Best regards,


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 8:28 AM, <> wrote:

> > To fly within Flightgear we have a lot of ready made aircraft model , we
> > are
> > not obliged to make the aircraft.
> > With your local weather system we must build the weather.,
> No, you certainly don't have to build the weather. Your problem appears to
> be in fact the exact opposite - you were trying to build (or micro-manage)
> the weather where you could not actually do so.
> I gave you an explanation what the system internally does and what it
> doesn't to make you understand a few things - not what the user has to do.
> If you want to build a weather pattern, you have to code it in Nasal. But
> no one is asking you to do that.
> > we don't have any
> > "ready" weather,  but to go to the Global weather with the real Metar.
> > Why don't you offer some very good scenari. ?
> Local weather tiles offers both the option to use live METAR data as well
> as a complete offline weather system. What exactly is it you are missing?
> I think this is the moment where perhaps you should really read the
> documentation
> Cheers,
> * Thorsten
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