> This doesn't happen for static variables nor for data members. I'd
> assume that in case of SGReferenced objects, the same explicit delete is
> necessary to decrement the reference counter.
Isn't that what SGReferenced objects were made for? Automatic deletion?
Minimal but slight more complex example

class MyReferenced : public SGReferenced {
  MyReferenced( int id );
  virtual ~ MyReferenced();
  int _id;

MyReferenced::MyReferenced( int id ) :
  std::cerr << "MyReferenced(" << _id << ") constructed" << std::endl;

  std::cerr << "MyReferenced(" << _id << ") destructed" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv )
  std::vector<SGSharedPtr<MyReferenced> > v;
  std::cerr << "Adding first" << std::endl;
  v.push_back(new MyReferenced(1));
  std::cerr << "Adding second" << std::endl;
  v.push_back(new MyReferenced(2));
  std::cerr << "Clearing Vector" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "Exiting" << std::endl;
  return 0;

Creates output as expected:
Adding first
MyReferenced(1) constructed
Adding second
MyReferenced(2) constructed
Clearing Vector
MyReferenced(1) destructed
MyReferenced(2) destructed

And without the explicit clear(), it looks right, too:
Adding first
MyReferenced(1) constructed
Adding second
MyReferenced(2) constructed
MyReferenced(1) destructed
MyReferenced(2) destructed

> In any case, the static variables and probably the complete autopilot
> are only destroyed at program end, so fixing these leaks won't have an
> influence on the growing memory footprint at runtime. I just mentioned
> them because they were the only ones where I thought an easy fix to be
> possible.
Which is very much appreciated. It's just to easy to overlook something.


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