Am 14.04.2011 21:39, schrieb Torsten Dreyer:
> Isn't that what SGReferenced objects were made for? Automatic deletion?
> Minimal but slight more complex example [...]
yes, this works as expected -- as long as one uses SGSharedPtr. The
componentForge map uses standard pointers at the moment, so it doesn't
work here. However, I have no idea how SGSharedPtr can be used in
combination with functor,
static map<string,SGSharedPtr<FunctorBase<DigitalFilterImplementation> >
> componentForge;
doesn't even compile.

The input value lists seems to fulfil both conditions (SGSharedPtr
pointing to SGReferenced), so in theory, automatic deletion should work
here. Still, valgrind complains. Could the problem here be related to
calling the componentForge functor?

Best regards,

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