It is about time that such a document was started, many thanks.

However windows users will most likely use the CMake gui, which hides all that 
geeky command line stuff.

For Cmake gui the following seems to work.

1. Set up a work directory as described in
(NOTE:  this is now out of date as the 3rdparty , zlib and OSG are all ready to 
use at )
2. Open the Cmake gui
3. Set “Where is the source code” and  “Where to build the binaries” to 
C:/Flightgear/simgear” (or wherever you have put simgear)
4. Press the “Configure” button. The first time that the project is generated, 
Cmake will bring up a window asking which compiler you wish to use. Normally 
just accept Cmakes suggestion, and press Finish. Cmake will now do a check on 
your system and will produce a preliminary build configuration.´
5. Check for errors in the red window. Cmake should have found OSG, zlib and 
your 3rdparty directories.
6. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to C:/Flightgear/install. This is probably not 
necessary for Windows XP, but is required for Windows 7 as the default 
(C:\Program Files) is protected.
7. Press “Configure” once more. Errors should all have gone.
8. Press “Generate”. Cmake will now write a windows sln  and project files in 
the simgear directory.
9. Open C:\Flightgear\simgear\simgear.sln.  MSVC should come up. Select Release 
(or debug if you need it) build and then build-all.
10. Once simgear has built successfully (there will be some warnings), build 
the INSTALL project. This will copy the simgear libraries and include files to 
11. Now repeat the Cmake process for flightgear.  The directories to choose are 
12. It is important to chose the same CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, otherwise the 
simgear libraries will not be found.
13. Open C:\Flightgear\flightgear\flightgear.sln.  As with simgear, build all, 
and then build INSTALL.
14. Flightgear and other executables should be in C:\Flightgear\install\bin.
No doubt I have left something out, but this does describe the basic process. 
From: James Turner 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:40 AM
To: FlightGear developers discussions 
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cmake (soon)

On 17 Oct 2011, at 18:38, Curtis Olson wrote:

  Would it be possible to write a quick "howto" for doing some basic 
coding/developer things in cmake.  Like: "how to add a new source file to the 
project."  Or "how to add a new module/library to the project".    Maybe a few 
quick summeries of "how to install in a custom directory", how to build with 
custom compiler options, how to configure for debug vs. release build, or some 
the more subtle build options that invoke different levels of optimizations or 

I've written this up, at least a first attempt, will commit it later today, and 
people can review it for sanity / correctness / omissions :)

  Either that, or our cmake experts need to be willing and ready to respond to 
frustrated "dumb" questions in a timely manner -- and do that over time if we 
don't have central place to find this information without investing the 
required time to become cmake experts ourselves.

I'm assuming that's true regardless :)


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