Sorry, without any offense, I have to disagree in following points.

>>The original author of instruments panel is Alexis Laille

>Absolutely and totally false! The first version, albeit a very simple, 
>is my work. Alexis Laille has nothing to do with that!

When he improves/ replace the panel, when he adds things to it, then he has 
something to do with it. Then this panel has multiple authors.
You and him.

>"my" aircrafts: Not because they are mine, but simply because they are 
>available in my hangar.

When you put it on your homepage- as long it is under GNU GPL, others can use 
it and modify it as long they keep to GNU GPL.
And when added to FGdata, it is available on a public server under GNU GPL, 
where it can be used and modified by everyone.

>It's the world upside down here. These people change and improve a 
>project that I started alone. And it is me that must to ask permission. 
>Many authors aircrafts will die laughing when they read that.

To make it clear: 

They created a fork or your work, which is permitted by the GNU GPL licence, 
and they can do what they want with this fork. 

Simply they just aren't happy what you did: let them contribute, insulted them 
when there was a disagreement, they decided to go on without you by creating a 
fork, and now they have to see that you take things from them.

Legally right, as GNU GPL does not forbid that- but morally?

Would it not be better to settle the source dispute, apologize for some hard 
words, and work together in peace? 

At least, that would be what real men, not kids, would do in such case!

>It is sad to see these people try by all means to destroy and damage FG. 

I can't see that. 

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