Thanks Fred, this pretty much addresses all my questions.

> Light objects are built in simgear/scene/tgdb/pt_lights.cxx
> There effect is built in C++ in the getLightEffect function. It is not
> configurable as it is now. Ideally, this function should be replaced
> by a lookup in the material file to find a configurable effect.
> But I didn't thought about the implications of doing so.

Okay, then I'm not going crazy and can't really address this from the 
effect/shader side without touching the core.  Could I request implementing a 
lookup as a non-urgent feature request? This is needed to get true low 
visibility scenes rendered properly, but I think not among the most pressing 

> Precipitations use the OSG particle effect. I don't thing it is something
> configurable as the shader is coded in OSG C++ code. Maybe this is
> something we should try rewriting in order to make the lighting
> different. The implementation of the effect is in
> simgear/environment/precipitation.cxx

Well... maybe let's just leave it as it is - personally I am not much bothered 
by the precipitation lighting, and this sounds like a non-trivial issue to fix. 

> Problem : it consumes GPU memory even if the technique requiring
> the extra attributes is not selected

Hm, I see.... Can a geometry shader potentially compute the curvature and pass 
it on? I mean, having a triangle with adjacency info must be good for something 
like this, right?


> I don't think there's a sensible way to generate additional trees at
> 50-100m.  With the changes described above, the overall memory
> occupancy of trees should go down, so perhaps it won't matter as much?

I was thinking fern, grass, undergrowth,... - these would have a density ~100 
times higher than trees, so even just storing the coordinate point if it is 
created at tile creation time would be a major drain, and the whole thing would 
only remain manageable if really only the close vicinity is stored - which 
means it needs to be created on the fly as you approach an area.

* Thorsten
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