If I may bother everyone again - here's my current list of open questions. Any 
help or pointers would be appreciated:

* Where do the runway and taxiway lights enter the rendering scheme? They need 
to be fogged consistently with the rest of the scene, but I do not know where 
to set this - which effect are they using?

Context: In low visibility scenes, lights remain visible to large distances 
because they go to the default fog color rather than the atmospheric light 
scattering fog color.

See http://users.jyu.fi/~trenk/pics/catIIIb.jpg

* Where does precipitation enter the rendering scheme?

Context: I have received the suggestion to change the lighting of rain and snow 
to agree better with the environment lighting - but I don't know where the 
lighting for precipitation is defined in the first place.

See http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=7358&start=555#p176734

* Why are the runway and taxiway designation signs using the terrain shader? 
Can (should) this be changed?

Context: The terrain ubershader at high detail assumes that vertical surfaces 
need to be rock. If a sign is rendered by the terrain shader, the shader 
consequently makes the sign vanish and replaces it with rock unless the rock 
texture is explicitly set to 'off'. This could be hacked around by just setting 
it off for every sign, but I am thinking that a better solution would be to 
render these objects with a model shader because the features of a terrain 
shader do not really make sense in this context.

See http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=18999

* Can we generate more vertex attributes than tangents, normals and binormals? 
For instance, can we do components of the curvature?

Context: Lots of vegetation patterns in nature are 'on the valley floors'  or 
'along a ridge'. In order to tag those with shader effects, one would need 
curvature. For instance, valley floors are defined by normal pointing upward 
and positive curvature, the ridges are defined by normal pointing upward and 
negative curvature. This would allow much more natural distributions of overlay 

* How difficult would it be to expand the tree generating system to a 
multi-tier system in which we can in addition generate a circle of vegetation 
in the range of ~50-100 m for high resolution scenes landing off airfields? Do 
we generate the memory load from trees at tile loading time, or at tree loading 

Context: Would be very cool to have ;-)

* Just how are the LOD ranges defined in the view menu used? I am genuinely 
confused, I understand that LOD bare sets the terrain, but that's the limit. 
Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance for any help with these!

* Thorsten
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