
When right clicking the mouse we get a display so that we know mode it is.

That feature is very useful sometime, and very annoying at others times.
It depends on the usage we are having with it.

We have included in our customized systems the following:

File fgdata/gui/dialogs/interface-config.xml

at the end of it line 153

      <label>Display mouse mode</label>


File fgdata/Nasal/control.nas  line 563

      fgcommand("show-message", props.Node.new({ "label": msg,
"id":"mouse-mode" }));

and within the preference.xml  file
        <display-mouse-mode type="bool">true</display-mouse-mode>

You may want to include it in your customized FG system.
Or may be it could be included in the official FG GIT.

Hope that could be helpful

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