
I created a new team clone of fgmeta on gitorious.

I took 1.9.10 and made a small correction for the c option and pushed
it to the clone.  then I did a merge request for master.  We'll see how
that plays out.

The merge request note is shown here.

Reviewing merge request #1: Version Bump with numerous changes 1.9.4 to

Francesco approved this change for release, and I wanted to get it into
the master to replace the one that's there, 1.9.4. 1.9.4 is out of date
and won't work without some of the changes in 1.9.10

I'm not sure where the versions from 1.9.5 through 1.9.9 are at. I
don't have copies or I would have started with them to give a complete
record of the changes. If copies of them turn up, we can always put
them on master in the correct order.. Francisco may have sent these to
Thorsten B.

Anyway, I created a team repository for the sole purpose of maintaining I'll get Francesco on as soon as he has time
for it and will authorize anyone else who wants in to help maintain the
team clone.

Francesco is ok with me handling the commits, but he will still approve
any changes. He's approved changes through 1.9.11

In the meantime, he's approved the changes in this version and in the
next version 1.9.11, which I'll request after this merge is approved
and completed..

Feel free to discuss this on flightgear-devel or in the posts for this
merge request.

    Requested by: avatar pac1
    Status: Open
    Source repository: fg-download-and-compile-fgmeta:1.9.10
    Target repository: fgmeta:master
    Created at: June 1st, 2013 02:53

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