Hi Ante,

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Ante Cugura wrote:
> I have recently downloaded FlightGear, and am enjoying it, but I seem not be
> able to download some aircraft. Even when the program says I have downloaded
> the aircraft correctly, when I go to use the aircraft, it comes up with a
> small blue and yellow plane. Also, with the plane which do successfully
> download, I am not able to get it in the livery which I want, even when it
> says that I can get it on your website.
>  I use a MacBook Air laptop, and it would be greatly appreciated if you were
> able to provide some help.

How are you running the simulator?  From the command line or from a launcher?

if you are running from the command-line, can you post your command-line here?

Unfortunately I don't run a Mac myself, so I may not be able to
provide very specific
help on this.  You might want to post to the FlightGear forums
(http://www.flightgear.org/forums/) where there may be more people who can help.


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