Perhaps I misspoke my version of Linux it is from V5.05 I think
the kernel is May 2005 release. 

Is there a JStest for windows? It seems modprobe does
not detect my gameport joystick in Linux. I never was
very well versed in Linux even though I used a version
called Linx about 10 years ago while at the USPS as a
tech on the mail sorting machines built by Martin

The CH Joystick I have has a trigger, three buttons,
and a small "hat" four way switch, additonaly it has
trimmers for r-l and for-back and a third that works
as a throttle on my early version of MS- flight.

I know most of the FG forum is Linux oriented but I
would like to stick with win 98 as I have some other
hardware issues with switching OS's (mouse from ps2 to
ser port, modem does not work etc...) I also have
little or no $$$ to spend. My CH stick was $2 at a
thrift store, can't afford to go to Walmart and spring
$$ for a USB one. So I need to get this one working. I
probably do not need a full blown joystick file just
some information as to how to modify one of the files
already existing. Perhaps add the lines for added
buttons from a 2 or 3 button gameport stick already in
the distribution for windows. 

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