I have not loaded the development version of flightgear from CVS, don't feel the need to compile it since development is not what I'm interested in. I have tried to keep up with the current CVS changes to the executable by downloading updated versions from ftp://ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de/FlightGear/Win32/

There is a new version now.

The most recent version there is dated 10/05/2005. When I run it the numeric 9 (page_up) and 3(page_down) no longer repeat to increase or decrease the throttle. it works if you press and release the keys. Is that a defect(bug) in that build, 9.8 works fine when I run that exe, or a new option / feature that works that way by design even though I don't like it?

It works for me. Be sure you have a matching base package, especially an up-to-date keyboard.xml as there were changes in that area not so recently.

i have been downloading updated aircraft files, textures, etc. Everything that gives an error message when the program runs has been eliminated except for a lot of unnamed file open errors?

That way to update doesn't work for changed files. Use CVS for your base package. It is the cheapest way for being up-to-date, and in par with the intermediate builds.


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