On 27.12.2010 16:38, Matthias Melcher wrote:

> composing the FLTK 1.3 archive I saw that it doubled in size, because we 
> include the PDF documentation. Should we keep it that way? It's kind of 
> bulky, but the docs are right there for the developers... .

;-) First of all, it should be up-to-date.
Shall I update it, an shall we package rc2 ? ;-)

Honestly: I never liked the big PDF file in the distribution and in
subversion, but I think we need it until we find another proper

My idea: if we could provide a 'parallel' documentation package, as
some Linux and other distros with different source, binary, and
documentation packages, then I vote +99 for this solution.

We would need a way to upload the documentation file(s), and they must
be integrated in the download area. The reason is that they must have
the same version as the sources. If we could manage this, then I
suggest that we package the generated HTML docs as well, maybe
in the same fltk-1.3.x-doc.{zip|tar.gz|tar.bz2) file.

The optimal solution would also generate snapshot files, but I believe
that we would need Mike's assistance for this and maybe also for the
upload mechanism, unless this would already work with the distribution
upload mechanism.

Oh, and we should be able to generate the website docs on the server,
so that we don't need to put the doxygen'erated html files in svn. ;-)

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