On 27.12.2010 18:28, Matthias Melcher wrote:

> Well, I knew that not everything would be 100% for RC1, so if you'd please 
> repack and commit it?

I put an updated PDF file in subversion, updated the dependencies,
and I also uploaded the current docs to the web site. I'll leave
packing rc2 to you, though (never did it, and this is not the
right time to try).

> Do we need to provide three different compression methods, or can we limit 
> this to a single one? I think that by now, every platform supports .zip, even 
> for the hard-core open source addicts.

I often see that the zip files have Windows (CR/LF) line endings,
whereas the others have Unix (LF) line endings, but this would only
matter for the html files. Or is this a feature of the unpacking
program... ?

>> Oh, and we should be able to generate the website docs on the server,
>> so that we don't need to put the doxygen'erated html files in svn. ;-)
> That would be nice. Mike?

If it would be easier or even better, we could also generate and pack
the documentation files on the developer's local machine, upload the
file, and only unpack it to the documentation dir with the help of
a server-side command, like it is done with the "svn up" commands
etc. This way we wouldn't need doxygen and all that on the server,
and the developer could check the docs before uploading. However,
this wouldn't work for snapshots.

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