On 04/25/12 13:42, Matthias Melcher wrote:
> Also, I got MinGW running. Only caveat: if the script fails, the .BAT still 
> does not fail, hence the result is alway "success". Maybe anyone has an idea?

        Is there a way to see the BAT and SH scripts?

        Usually it's just a matter of preserving exit codes, eg:

REM Run a command that returns an exit code
some_command -arg -arg
exit %ERRORLEVEL%               -- do this right after to return the exit code

        Usually the absolute last command's exit code is returned
        from a DOS script, but perhaps something as simple as an
        extra blank line is enough to make it loose the exit code,
        or even a REM.. hard to say.

        ERRORLEVEL is both a command and variable name in DOS,
        and not that many years ago DOS's exit didn't even support
        returning an exit code:

        I really liked the 'use assembly language' suggestion.. %^U

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