On 04/08/13 15:32, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> On 06.04.2013 07:55, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> BTW: toplevel_window() doesn't look bad, but what about top_window().
> Less typing ;-)

        Yes, what I based 'toplevel_window()' on was that in our code,
        the term 'top-level' is used fairly consistently to refer to
        the real window in a widget hierarchy.

        This, as opposed to 'top' as perhaps meaning the window on "top"
        of all others in window depth (along the Z axis)

        I have no real preference otherwise.

        BTW, on a similar "new method" train of thought; had to add a method
        to Fl_Widget called window_offset() which returns the x/y offset
        of the current widget relative to the top-level window (top window? ;)
        to fix STR #2944 (r9866).

        Again, I'm indifferent on naming; perhaps there's a better name
        for what this method should be called.
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