> > Below is my .fl file with the original menu bar reproducing the error.
> > Hope it helps!
> > Thanks
> Hmm, OK - I *think* the problem is the empty "Recent Files" submenu item...
> If that item is made to be not-empty, then things seem to work a whole lot =
> better!
> Though, for what it is worth, I don't think that using the fluid-generated =
> "offsets" is going to work all that well if you are using any dynamically g=
> enerated menu content, since the computed offsets will likely always be wro=
> ng. (Though, indeed I could be wrong too!)
> I'd favour doing what Greg does, and build and manipulate the menus dynamic=
> ally... Um, try starting about here:
> http://www.seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#Menu_ChangeLabel =
> The alternate might be, if you plan on having a fixed number of previous fi=
> les listed, to pre-populate the "Recent Files" submenu with "unused" entrie=
> s, then either hiding or inactivating those until they are populated.
> That should work... I think... Maybe... Yup, just tested that and it seems =
> to be fine (used "inactive" entries in my test, though I assume hidden woul=
> d do too!)
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Thanks for the answer.
It's ok that it will not work when the menu is modified at run time; but I 
think the menu_item access should work correctly as long as the menu is *not* 
modified. (This is given in my case.)

Alternatively FLUID could generate the menu_item pointer in the .h file as a 
function call (using Gregs recommendation) like :
#define PTimeBaseTEST (menu_PMenuBar->find_item("Settings/TimeBase/Test Time"))
That should work even on modified menus.
[OK, but only as long as the the menu_item name is not modified... :-( ]


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