On 21 Feb 2013, at 20:33, edgar wrote:
> I installed the packages above as mentioned.  One note according to Ubuntu 
> support: libglut3-dev has been replaced. This package has been replaced by 
> ``freeglut3-dev''. Could this be affecting the fonts?

No, that would only affect use of GL and GLUT, not regular font handling...

> Does the build require flags before running the configure script?

Not on a "normal" system... might need that if your set up is odd in some way, 
but any stock distro would be fine as is.

> So fltk runs and I can compile the programs but unfortunately it still does 
> not change the labelsize or labelfont. Do I need to include extra libraries 
> in the compiler statement?

Yes, from what you have, I'd say you are missing a good few things...

>  Here is how I am compiling:
> g++ -Wall hellofltk.cxx -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -o hellofltk 
> -lfltk lXext -lX11 -lm

OK, first off, you need to read up on fltk-config, there's a HowTo here:


But in summary, if you are compiling a single file, don't do it yourself,
let fltk-config figure it out for you:

      fltk-config --compile my_file.cxx

That way, the "right" libs should get pulled in...

To find out what the "right" libs are, try:

     fltk-config --ldstaticflags

And see what gets listed. I'd guess something like...

/path/to/libfltk.a -lXext -lXft -lfontconfig -lXinerama -lpthread -ldl -lm -lX11

The kickers there, at least in terms of font handling, are Xft and fontconfig.

Xinerama probably won't matter much, and pthreads and dl you will need once your
code becomes more complex, though probably not for the sample code you are 
right now!

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