On 03/04/13 01:39, MacArthur, Ian (Selex ES, UK) wrote:
> Yeah, I had wondered about doing that - particularly given that Edgar
> intimated he had PNG's for the musical glyphs he was using...
> But, I'm still thinking that loading a musical font is the "best" way to go,
> and on that basis I was keen to show how to measure a font symbol so that
> you can render it in the "right place".

        Ya, technically I'd agree it's best to use a font..

        Though from a practical point of view, I've found over time
        anything you can do to minimize modification of the OS to use
        an app is often worth doing, even if it's at the expense of doing
        what seems right design-wise.

        I'd probably do the same trick for drawing the notes; looking closely
        at the 'dots' at the bottom of notes in sheet music, they aren't
        just an ellipse, but are tweaked on the diagonal too. Tough to do
        with FLTK's simple circle functions (though probably easy with
        svg vector images or cairo).

        Back when linux antialiased fonts were still really up in the air,
        I seriously considered making my own antialiased font engine for FLTK
        (the nixieclock program was going to demonstrate this), but thankfully
        Xft matured before getting to the design phase.

> And I was rushing anyway...!

        Great job on making a nice full on app with a 'game' twist to it.

        I 'played' it for a while until I was quite sure the "EGBDCF"/"FACE"
        memory trick I learned back in Mrs. Bruninghaus's third grade music 
        was still serving me well..!
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