Hi Ian,
excuse me bothering you... it's much easier than I thougt: I just overlooked 
the which( x, y ) method which exactly fits my needs.

Thanks for answering.

> > imagine a Fl_Tabs instance with only one "card".
> > Clicking on its tab will not result in a callback action.
> > Catching the FL_PUSH event provides the position of the mouse-click but
> > I don't know the click occuring within the tab or somewhere right of
> > it.
> > Is there a way how to get the tab giving the click-position?
> > =
> > That's what I mean:
> >  _____
> > /    x\  o
> > =
> > I'm interested in click "x" but not in click "o".
> > =
> > I found a variable named Fl_Tabs::tab_pos containing an array of tab-
> > offsets but it is not accessible.
> Might be possible to derive your own Fl_Tab widget and use that to add an a=
> ccess method for the tab_pos array. Or indeed, the derived tab widget might=
>  be made to respond by calling its callback in response to clicks even when=
>  there is only one tab active...
> I would say that a tab with only one entry is maybe an unusual case to actu=
> ally *need* to detect the click: Can you explain what you are trying to ach=
> ieve here? Maybe if you can describe the objective, someone will have an id=
> ea how to get there.
> For example, you could make your own tab-like widget out of a stack of grou=
> ps, each with an associated button - the button callback would show its gro=
> up and hide all the others, of course, (that's really all the Fl_Tab does a=
> nyway) but the button callback would still fire even if only one "tab" was =
> active... Might be easy to implement (indeed ISTR the unittests example in =
> the tests folder does basically that already.)
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