with talk of cut-up(s) in recent posts, i wanted to share an idea for 
a process my companion and i like to refer to as "3 pawses typing" 
(with "pawses" being what most humans would refer to as 
"hands")...anyway, the idea is pretty simple.

(not really) required resources:

- two people, or two catses
(they should be in love, or at least close friends...but, it's not required)
- one computer with keyboard, monitor and mouse
- two chairs (or one chair if they want to share it)

even these requirements are not really required, but suggested, as 
they were what we used for our first exercise.

for the sake of description, let us refer to our subjects (or catses) 
as "minky" and "liz"...now, one of them, let's say liz takes his/her 
place at the keyboard and begins typing.  what is typed is really not 
all that important, it could be a letter, a message to a friend or 
this even works when using something like instant messenger or icq. 
as liz is typing, usually with both of his/her pawses (similar to 
hands), minky is using the mouse to randomly re-place the cursor 
within the body of the text, etc.  this mouse movement can be totally 
random, or formulated dependent upon the subject involved.  while liz 
is typing, he/she should just act as though the text is flowing as 
usual, possibly not even looking at the monitor...the idea is that 
bits of the body of the message will end up being placed and replaced 
during the actual process of creation...

we've used this process in corresponding with friends via instant 
messenger and it's proven to be a lot of fun...

any opinions?  maybe someone else can give it a try and let me know 
how it worked out for them...

- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  . icq - 7601958  . aim - bodyhater
- they were gentlemen who came and went, who supervised
   and were relaxed, sometimes smiling, sometimes joking,
   but never unhappy.

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