I'm very tired and signing off now and may not be interpreting this correctly,
but could I use my actual cats, Countess Rrose Calico and Count Vladimir de Mews
Russian Blue?  They have often attempted document searches when I am not at home
and are quite enamored with my keyboard.  It would be two cats, four paws
(frontal), one keyboard, probably catnip beforehand.

Yawn, (sorry)

hyperdelic wrote:

> with talk of cut-up(s) in recent posts, i wanted to share an idea for
> a process my companion and i like to refer to as "3 pawses typing"
> (with "pawses" being what most humans would refer to as
> "hands")...anyway, the idea is pretty simple.
> (not really) required resources:
> - two people, or two catses
> (they should be in love, or at least close friends...but, it's not required)
> - one computer with keyboard, monitor and mouse
> - two chairs (or one chair if they want to share it)
> even these requirements are not really required, but suggested, as
> they were what we used for our first exercise.
> for the sake of description, let us refer to our subjects (or catses)
> as "minky" and "liz"...now, one of them, let's say liz takes his/her
> place at the keyboard and begins typing.  what is typed is really not
> all that important, it could be a letter, a message to a friend or
> this even works when using something like instant messenger or icq.
> as liz is typing, usually with both of his/her pawses (similar to
> hands), minky is using the mouse to randomly re-place the cursor
> within the body of the text, etc.  this mouse movement can be totally
> random, or formulated dependent upon the subject involved.  while liz
> is typing, he/she should just act as though the text is flowing as
> usual, possibly not even looking at the monitor...the idea is that
> bits of the body of the message will end up being placed and replaced
> during the actual process of creation...
> we've used this process in corresponding with friends via instant
> messenger and it's proven to be a lot of fun...
> any opinions?  maybe someone else can give it a try and let me know
> how it worked out for them...
> --
> - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  . icq - 7601958  . aim - bodyhater
> - they were gentlemen who came and went, who supervised
>    and were relaxed, sometimes smiling, sometimes joking,
>    but never unhappy.

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