Reed wrote:

>A poet named Meikal And from Wisconsin last year wrote a series of
"Mesostics for Dick Higgins" using words from Higgins' FOEW. They have
been published in magazines and I think also on the web, but the URL for
his website at the moment escapes me. He's also a former Fluxlist person
but I think he left the list last year too unfortunately.<

You can find the "Mesostics for Dick Higgins" and other texts by Miekal And

Also have a look at
which is details on the living experiment called Dreamtime Village that
Miekal is a part of.

Yes he did used to be on Fluxlist but I think he left around the time of
some flame problems we had last year. It's a shame really as he always had a
lot of interesting things to say.



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