How about we cut out the bits of paintings we don't like, too, and demand our
money back? How come people who complain about spending their hardearned money
on art always follow up by criticizing artists for being too desirous of money?
Like bitching about spending an extra ten bucks isn't materialistic?

Come on. Artists are human beings. They make interesting artifacts, that's what
they do. They are not responsible for pleasing you, they are responsible for
making interesting artifacts. You are responsible for finding the flipping inner
resources to make the most of those artifacts. Of course tomorrow I'll take up
the other cause. I'm just tired of hearing people say, "I'm too cheap to give
money  to those moneygrubbing musicians."



> Can we ask bands to return cd money for the portion of the cds that aren't
> any good? Like when you have to buy a whole cd to get two or three songs you
> really like? Why do we have to pay for all the songs when we don't want em?

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