[EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:

>Personally, you'd have to convince me, Owen, that the notions of
>intermedia and
>Derrida's difference are fruitfully related.

George - you raise a good point here (also that Dick was at the very
least suspicious of Derrida) and I am not sure that I can convince you
with any brief comments, but i would like to offer two thoughts on this
matter. First, what I wanted to suggest is that there is a general, but
more than superficial relation, between these two concepts - the
concept of difference is a potential model for looking at how
intermedia functions as a kind of "not-media," or how the spaces
between media types that intermedia exists in is a kind of cognitive
space (rather than a media type, new or otherwise) that some into being
through a process that Derrida has labeled as difference. If you or
others want more depth on this I might suggest that you take a look at
my article "Playing with Difference: Fluxus as a World View" Which was
published in the catalog Fluxus Virus. 

The other connected point here is as a response to the many people
(especially critics and historians) who have thought of Fluxus as only
"Fun and Games" - for I want to more than suggest that Fluxus is a
serious philosophical endeavor, in addition to being about fun and
games, and that there is a complex set of questions that were/are asked
by Fluxus about the nature of reality, or beliefs about reality and how
we socially and culturally prioritize our values.

More on this later and Part 3 soon to follow,


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