[EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:

>Aren't all art works materially intermedial? Even paint has to go onto a
>surface and that surface isn't paint but another medium.

Sol - Not really - your example uses two materials but both are within
the same medium, so it is still a traditional single media.  Now the
next jump is not to intermedia but multimedia, which is a combination
of media and if this is so then I think part of your question is
relevant here, because some examples of performance art (George
Matheau, for example) are multimedia and not intermedia for although
they might bring two media together or intertwine them they do not
expand past the parameters of the two source media.  Dick has talked in
several sources about this distinction, check out the essay in his book
Horizons on intermedia.

>For something to be conceptually intermedial is of more interest to

And I would agree and this is really where a work become really
intermedial, when it is precipitated by, and/or creates in return, a
change in thinking, especially about categories, distinctions, and


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