The Second  International Edible Book High-Low Tea will be held on Sunday1 April 2001 throughout the world depending upon the time zone involved.  From 2- 4 p.m. in most places, the edible books will be exhibited and at 4 p.m., tea and/or coffee will be served and the “books” will be consumed. This event can be used as a fundraiser for various book centers throughout the world.  Last year venues were in Australia, in France at Graphes in Paris and Matiere Contact in Lyon, at the Argyle-Zebra Gallery in St. Paul, Minnesota; at the School of Art at Arizona State University in Tempe; at the Center for Book Arts in New York City; at Chax Press in Tucson, Arziona; at the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts in Chicago, Illinois; at the home of Sara Rosenbluth’s in La Jolla along with the San Diego Book Arts group; at the Printer, Findlay, Ohio where even type lice were featured; at the San Francisco Center for the Book; and at Crossroads School, Sam Francis Gallery in Santa Monica.  At Mesa College in San Diego, the Book Arts Class had an Edible Book event on 3 April 2000.

All venues are requested to take photographs or online video, send two menus to the Santa Monica address (Umbrella, P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408) and document the event for a future publication and our online website.

All in these various locales are invited to attend.  Please see our website at

and please take digital photographs and send them to the website so that our Web hostess, Tina Turberville, can post them after the event!  Any notices and photographs can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Start organizing the event now and try to get book artists and artists in general to participate in this unforgettable event!  Let me know if you are participating well enough ahead of time for press releases, etc. 

And Happy New Year!

Judith A. Hoffberg                         tel.:       (310)399-1146
Umbrella/Umbrella Editions          fax:       (310)399-5070
P.O. Box 3640
Santa Monica CA 90408
Let a smile be your umbrella!

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