Heiko Recktenwald wrote:

>a above according across actually adj after 

10 long years ago, I decided I was going to write poetry by cutting up words from two 
other poems (a long Sylvia Plath poem and Cage's "Where Are We Going? What Are We 
Doing?") and combining them. I spent a week, cutting all the words onto little bits of 
paper. First I sorted all the words by length in a LISP computer program I had 
written, which sorted them alphabetically by word length (to conserve paper). My 
initial experiments in making poetry were awful. I'd grab a handful of words and put 
them on the table and try to arrange them into something meaningful. Producing not 
much worth reading. The poetry made by my LISP program TUNC (a reference to the poetic 
supercomputer of the Lawrence Durrell novel of the same name), was much better.

Anyway, so now I have a few small boxes full of words. Sometimes when I have people 
over to my house in my workroom, I will grab a box and announce "Everybody grab a 
word!" and I make them take the word with them. Maybe in 20 years I will have gotten 
rid of all the words.


someone on Fluxlist wants a envelope with a few words...

-Josh Ronsen

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