Sorry to post something somewhat unrelated to the list and the nature thereof, but I 
thought that perhaps somewhere out there, amongst that great wealth of talent and 
knowledge that is Fluxlist (oh look! flattery to detract from the non-fluxlisty nature 
of this message), there is the answer I am looking for.

After  the strange message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and another reporting an infected 
file I had sent to an address I don't even have, this morning I was checking an old 
email address (my old Libero one). Amongst the spam there was a mail delivery notice 
reporting the non delivery of an infected file to an address I've never seen before.  
This account is web-based, therefore doesn't go through Outlook, or any other mail 
prog - on this website based email I have no stored addresses.

I understand that some viruses clone addresses but are usually propogated through ms 
progs such as outlook.

My pc is heavily protected with anti-virus and firewall stuff and I have run current 
checks for the new viruses (checking registries etc) and as far as I can see I am 

Do I have a problem or is someone just using my addresses?  So far I have recieved 3 
notifications of problems 2 for 2 seperate email addresses which go through Outlook 
and one web-based one - none of which make sense as there is no proof in each case of 
any activity on my part.

My concern is that I have a problem that I cannot find and that I'mm passing it on 
through my quite large address book.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (offlist)

Thanks for you patience


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Antispam, Backup e POP3. Prova la nuova Email di superEva:

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